Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Real Interview Questions and Answers of 2012 - new Interview Questions and Answers of 2012

Real Interview Questions and Answers of 2012 - new Interview Questions and Answers of 2012

It is necessary to brush up certain real interview questions before appearing for any interview so that it becomes easier to procure the job. The very first question which is common is also all the interview is “tell me about yourself”. This question is routinely asked to almost every candidate so that the interviewer can get a brief insight about the overall personality of the candidate. While answering this question it is important to focus on your past achievements so that it becomes easier to judge you for the job.

Another question which haunts candidates during the interview is the question related to why should the company you. Through this question a candidate can tell about his past work experience which can be considered relevant to current applied job. You can also state about the responsibilities that you undertook at your previous job, so that the interviewer can get information about your capacity as well as capability. Questions regarding your strengths can be expected for a job interview. Interviewers question about a person’s strength so that they can get to know whether his skills is suitable for the job or not. All the answers related to your strengths should be associated with an example so that your interviewer can understand that you are giving real facts. After stating the strengths the interviewer might also ask you about your weaknesses. This is one question which confuses everybody because they feel that if their weaknesses are mentioned then they might get rejected in the interview. Therefore one should pick out their weaknesses in such a manner so that it displays their strengths. For example, when you are asked about your weaknesses then you can tell that you are overtly dedicated to your work. This will imply that you give your hundred percent to your work. Hence your weaknesses should be mentioned in a manner through which positive aspects about you get highlighted. Facts about career goals are often asked during the interview, so that a candidate can be judged on the basis on his career plans. At times, companies might look for candidates whom they can groom for senior level positions, and it is important for them to know about their career plans so that they can decipher whether they will be suitable for the position or not. For people who are looking for a new job are always questioned as to why they had left their previous job. It is better to give a diplomatic answer for this question so that you do not need to reveal a lot of personal details for this question. It is also inappropriate to badmouth your previous company because it leaves a wrong impression on the interviewer.

It is better to prepare answers for these important real interview questions, but it is also necessary to develop the quality of answering the right things on the spur of the moment. There can be a lot of questions for which you might not have prepared well in advance then you need to answer them through your wit and knowledge.

Read more: Real Interview Questions and Answers of 2012 - new Interview Questions and Answers of 2012


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