Wednesday, 11 April 2012

JNTUKresults 2012,JNTUK MCA II Sem Results 2012 - JNTUK MCA 2nd Sem Reg/ Supple Results 2012 - Check on

JNTUKresults 2012,JNTUK MCA II Sem Results 2012 - JNTUK MCA 2nd Sem Reg/ Supple Results 2012 - Check on

The University grew out of a College that was ‘The College of Engineering, Vizagpatnam’ as was named at the time of its establishment in 1946 by the then Government of the composite Madras State is situated in a sprawling campus of 110 acres filled with mango trees in a fast developing Port city of Kakinada on the east coast of peninsula India and situated in a zone which through generations, contributed significantly to the political literacy and cultural heritage of the country.
JNTU (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University) was originally ‘The College of Engineering, Vizagpatnam’ at the time of its establishment in 1946. It is now a sprawling campus of 110 acres, green with mango trees in the fast developing Port city of Kakinada, East coast of peninsula India. Kakinada has a rich political literacy and cultural heritage passed on through generations This college became a constituent of the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University w.e.f 02-10-1972 through an act of legislature along with other sister institutions under the control of the then Director of Technical Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh. Earlier, it was affiliated to Andhra University. In the year 2003 the college has become autonomous.
JNTU Kakinada MCA II Sem Results 2012 - JNTU kakinada MCA 2nd Sem Reg/ Supple Results 2012 - Check on
The College is governed by the rules and guidelines provided by the university from time to time. The Principal is the administrative and the academic Head of the College. He is assisted by the Vice-Principal and the College Academic Committee in academic matters and the Deputy Registrar and the office staff in administrative matters. The day-to-day activities of the college are carried out by budgetary allocation from the University fund.
The entire academic activity in the college is overseen by the highest body called College Academic Council, which has at least one academician of repute and an industrialist on its body along with senior Professors of the college. Also the entire administrative activity is overseen by the highest body called College Governing Council (CGC) headed by the Vice Chancellor of the University.JNTU Kakinada MCA II Sem Results 2012 - JNTU kakinada MCA 2nd Sem Reg/ Supple Results 2012 - Check on

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